EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Therapy contains more than 15 Techniques working on our subconscious mind by tapping on Acupressure points or Meridian points to reduce pain and intensity of mental health symptoms, restoring the body's energy and bringing it into balance.
95% of our lives we live on autopilot, unconsciously and just 5% consciously. So imagine how such a big achievement is to change your subconscious and create your desired life!
People with anxiety, phobias, depression, trauma, PTSD and pain disorders can tremendously benefit from tapping.
It has also been used effectively against burnout, chronic stress, weight management, addictions, limiting beliefs, poor sleep, headaches and many more.
This therapy has many other benefits. It can be done in the comfort of your own home and is a Painless, Natural Therapy with No Side effects that produce Quick results.
Why do you need this Therapy?
Do you find it hard to follow a Diet or Change your lifestyle?
Would you like to lose weight easily and effortlessly?
Would you like to eliminate any addiction you have, like coffee, food, cigarettes or alcohol?
Would you like to be more confident and get from life what you need and deserve?
Would you like to let go of any traumas or limiting beliefs that hold you back from being free and limitless?
Would you like to get rid of your stress, anxiety, depression or phobias?
Don't hesitate to Contact me or Book a Free Discovery Call if you have different needs.
Just had a great EFT session with the amazing Monika Ujvari. Normally she only does 1 hour but we continued for nearly 2 hours which was good for me. Liked the session and looking forward to the next one.
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